Losing a loved one is hard enough without having to also deal with funeral preparations. One of the most important of those preparations is choosing a headstone. Custom headstone prices vary significantly depending on a variety of factors. To help simplify and clarify the selection process for you, our memorial design team will examine a few key factors below.
Things That Affect Headstone Prices in Littleton
Headstones for graves can range in price from several hundred to several thousand dollars and more in some cases. There are a multitude of factors that affect what people ultimately pay for a grave marker with the following being the most common:
Headstone Size
Regardless of whether you choose granite or marble the larger the headstone the more it is going to cost in almost every instance. If you have budgeted a specific amount for a gravestone you will need to be mindful of this. Keep in mind too that tombstones that memorialize a couple or a family are almost always larger than a single memorial, meaning they are going to be more expensive.
Whether you choose a flat or upright memorial is also going to weigh on the cost. Typically, flat headstones will cost less than their upright counterparts and are a good option if you are on a fixed budget. Benches are another popular option and their cost can vary widely. The size of the bench, the amount of engraving and other features incorporated into the bench as well as the material chosen (more on that in a moment) will all influence the ultimate cost.
Headstone Material
Granite and marble headstones are the two most popular memorial choices for a number of reasons, but mostly because they are traditional and durable. Of the two granite is the harder stone, meaning any lettering or graphics etched into the surface will hold up better to the onslaught of nature than will lettering and graphics etched into marble. Be aware too that there are “grades” of granite, and the higher the grade the higher the cost.
All that said, many people choose marble memorials anyway for marble’s understated and timeless beauty. Ultimately, it is completely up to the client. However, you should be aware that, even though it is the softer of the two most common gravestone materials, marble is the more expensive choice. Also, if you wish to add something like a bronze plaque to the memorial, that too will increase the price.
Level of Memorial Customization
There was a time when grave markers in frontier territories such as Colorado were uniformly simple, displaying only the person’s name and their birth and death dates. These days that is no longer the case. A stroll through any local graveyard today reveals a wealth of variety when it comes to monuments. But with customization comes higher tombstone prices. As is the case with size, when it comes to extras more equals higher costs.
Also, keep in mind that it may be necessary to increase the overall size of the headstone in order to accommodate the various custom features you desire. So adding portraits, artwork, long quotes, lines of poetry, epitaphs, porcelain portraits and more are all going to impact the ultimate cost. The bottom line; if you want to rein in costs, reign in the customization. Conversely, if money is no object then you can customize the memorial to your heart’s content.
Degree of Craftsmanship
The higher the degree of craftsmanship the higher the cost. This is just as true for tailored suits, automobiles, and furniture as it is for headstones. The people who craft these lasting tributes are highly-trained, highly-skilled artisans and the more they are involved in the process the more the monument is ultimately going to cost.
When selecting a memorial for a loved one save yourself time and trouble by being mindful of the fact that every touch or flourish that deviates from the standard is going to require the involvement of a tradesperson and that is going to bump up the price. If keeping costs under control is a primary concern just remember that the best way to do that is to select a standard gravestone that requires nothing more than the engraving of the name and date.
Distance to the Gravesite
Our prices typically include installation of the headstone. At the same time, we field many inquiries from families in Aurora, Denver and even further afield. While we are always happy to accommodate customers from different parts of the state, the travel time involved will have an impact on the final cost of the gravestone. Also, if the headstone requires the installation of a base, that will impact the price.
To Learn More, Contact Mile High’s Memorial Designers
Choosing a proper headstone when the pain of loss is still fresh can be a difficult process. If you need help get in touch with one of our design specialists. They will answer any questions you may have and address any concerns.
Be mindful too that gravestones do not have to be prohibitively expensive. So if you are on a fixed budget we will work with you to select a headstone that meets your financial requirements while beautifully expressing your love and admiration for those who have been lost.
People trust the team at Mile High Memorials to provide the highest quality gravestones and we strive every day to earn that trust. Call our memorial designers today at 303-794-3443. Or, if you prefer, you can fax us at 303-794-3489.